The Right Graphic Designer

Written by Joanne Higgs

In this blog I have put together my ‘Graphic designer (insider) top tips’ on how to get the best results for your business when working with a graphic designer. If you are reading this, the chances are that like me, you are a small business owner.

As a freelance graphic designer myself, I know as well as anyone the love, sweat and tears that go into running and building your own business. This has motivated me to share my top tips on how to approach the work you have already done to get the best results and value for money.  

Everyone is on their own journey and as a result, your requirements and budget will vary. However, as your business grows there comes a point where branding and marketing become key. Step one is to find a graphic designer.

  1. Finding your Graphic designer

As a graphic designer most of my work comes from word of mouth. My clients recommend me because they love what I do for them. If you are struggling to find any legitimate recommendations, then look at designers who have a website and can display work that appeals to you. Testimonials speak volumes. The vibe you get from their website will tell whether they are the right designer for you.

  1. Have a chat. It may seem obvious but having an initial chat with a graphic designer is so valuable. Just like an interview you will learn so much from that chat. You can ask any questions you are not sure about and get a sense for how they communicate. I am always up for a cup of tea and a chat with a new client. I offer a free initial conversation on the phone, zoom or in person. It is a great way to see if you feel comfortable with us working together. Also, it enables me as the designer to get a clearer picture of my client and I find it generally puts them more at ease. After that initial chat everything can be done over email if you prefer, but that initial contact is key. If a designer refuses to speak to you, beware.

You have your graphic designer, now what?

  1. Design isn’t magic. As with all elements of life, you get back what you put in. If you are looking for a new logo, rebranding, or marketing material you are the expert in what you do. Make sure you give your designer as much information as you can about your dream clients, your USP and what you want your business to represent. I always send new clients a questionnaire to fill out before we start. This gives me a clear picture of their business, target audience and so on. It really is worth the effort to do this, I promise.

4.  Batch your work. Let me explain what I mean by this… A recent job I did for the fintech company 4OTC was to create a design solution they could use on their LinkedIn profile to update followers on what they are working on. Once I had created the first concept it took around half the time to create another 11 images from that first concept. This allowed 4OTC to post a different client update each week on Linkedin for 12 weeks. By being organised and giving me a batch of work they got very good value.

I hope you found this blog useful if you did, please do ‘like’ the post, and feel free to share with anyone that may find this helpful. Thank you for reading.