When you run a small business, your branding is key to attracting your target audience. It’s your chance to make a great first impression. As a branding designer I have worked with a lot of different business. Here are 4 reasons you may need to hire a branding designer:
1. You are just starting out, but you want to go places fast!
You have enough professional experience to know that hiring a branding designer makes sense. With your target audience researched and well established, you know your business plan. First impressions are everything therefore looking professional and established is a must. You already know the value of the expertise of a branding designer and cannot wait to get started on your new branding.
2. You never really got your branding together in the first place.
When you started out you had no small business experience and were operating on a shoestring. Understandably, the early days were busy spent getting to grips with a plethora of things from accounting to social media posts and simply you didn’t realise the value of good branding. You needed a logo, so you got a friend to mock something up for you in Canva. As your business grows your incoherent branding just bugs you, or worse, holds you back from that next level you want to reach in your business. At this point, you know it is time to get an expert branding designer in. Be brave, you will not regret it!
3. You want to niche your branding further. It is a phrase that’s used a lot, ‘find your niche’, but often when you start out in business you are not sure exactly what that is. It takes time to hone that specialism. You may have started out as an all-round baker and now you only make ‘Novelty Sci-Fi Wedding cakes.’ Your current branding is great, but it is too generic. You need your branding to instantly shout ‘Yoda it is.’ Introducing a brand designer to the mix brings someone who can really showcase your unique talent and attract your dream clients.
4. Your branding is outdated. It was cutting edge back in 2005 when your designer first put it together. You went with something that was on trend at the time but sadly now, like a trendy tattoo, your branding is ageing your business. Now, you want to attract a new audience and you know a facelift is what is needed. You need the help of a branding designer to bring a fresh look that attracts your ideal customers.
Does one of the categories above apply to you? Then you need some expert assistance from a branding designer! Don’t hesitate to get in contact with me for a free initial chat. Investing in your branding now will benefit your business for years to come.